Introduction to Emptiness – The Heart of Dream Yoga
An introductory riff on emptiness, one of the most difficult, but important, topics in the world of Dream Yoga. This is such an important topic for deep divers of dream yoga.
An introductory riff on emptiness, one of the most difficult, but important, topics in the world of Dream Yoga. This is such an important topic for deep divers of dream yoga.
Working with your fear is one of the more advanced stages of dream yoga. This starts to get more interesting here and a little bit more deeper.
Death is one of the most precious experiences in life — if we are prepared. The karma that brought us into this life is exhausted, leaving a temporarily clean slate, and the karma that will propel us into our next life has not yet crystallized. This leaves us in a unique “no man’s land,” a netherworld the Tibetans call “bardo,”
If you sincerely practice the teachings of hearing, contemplating and meditating, these teachings will lodge in your sub-conscious body-mind matrix and they will arise when you need them the most. They will come to bear when everything else falls apart. Their benefits lodge in your formless mind and this is what you can take with you when you die.
Let’s discuss dream yoga and its stages. The idea here is that once we’re in a lucid dream, what do we do? What is it that differentiates lucid dreaming from dream yoga? What’s the actual nighttime practice of dream yoga? What are the stages?
I returned to Michigan and resumed my job as a surgical orderly. But something had changed. The hangovers from my drinking binges couldn’t completely erase the hangover of my otherworldly experiences. Within a few months I felt stable enough to begin venturing back into what I had experienced. I knew that something profound, and
I’m often asked what got me into dream yoga? For me, the journey into these incredible nighttime practices started nearly forty years ago and I have been exploring them ever since. Some of the most remarkable experiences I’ve ever had occurred in my dreams. In my early twenties one such experience would change my life — and send
Just like with all the other nocturnal meditations, there are things to do during the day to prepare for sleep yoga and things you can do at night. Using the tenet that lucid dreaming is partial lucidity while lucid sleep is full lucidity, you can use the lucid dreaming state as a halfway house to lucid sleep. While the meditation