Welcome to Night Club Community

Welcome to Night Club Community

With this said, and in deep respect for the power of dream interpretation, I want to provide a forum in our Night Club where people can share their dreams, and invite others to help them understand their dreams.

Science and Medicine of Sleep

Science and Medicine of Sleep

A great deal of scientific research has revealed the physiological underpinnings of sleep and dreams. In this section of Night Club we will unpack how staying current on the science and medicine of sleep can provide real benefits for you. This section of Night Club has the widest applicability, being relevant to anyone who sleeps –

Bardo Yoga

Bardo Yoga

The last stage in the nocturnal practices is bardo yoga, which is a uniquely Tibetan contribution. “Bardo” means “gap, transitional process, in-between,” and refers to the gap between any two states of consciousness. This means that bardos occur constantly, as often as the gap between any two thoughts. But bardo yoga is classically

Sleep Yoga

Sleep Yoga

If lucid dreaming and dream yoga are a form of “night school,” with sleep yoga and bardo yoga we enter “graduate school.” They’re not for everyone. Don’t worry if they don’t speak to you. But these more advanced practices are in the traditions, and just knowing about them can vastly expand your horizons in terms of what’s possible

Dream Yoga

Dream Yoga

While lucid dreaming is mostly about self-fulfillment, dream yoga is largely about self-transcendence. It’s more spiritual than psychological. Lucid dreaming as a popular enterprise has been around for some forty years, but dream yoga has been practiced for thousands...
Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming, which is when you wake up to the fact that you’re dreaming while still remaining in the dream, is the first of our nocturnal practices.