Bardo Yoga
Formless (dreamless) implies deathless, so the “end-stage” nocturnal practice is bardo yoga (bardo means “gap, in between, or transitional process”), which is when sleep and dream are used to prepare for death. There is an intimate connection between death and sleep. In Greek mythology, Hypnos (the god of sleep) and Thanatos (the god of death) are not just brothers – they’re twins. In Buddhism, both dream yoga and sleep yoga developed as ways to prepare for death. Once again, bardo yoga transcends but includes all the above tracks.

How Sleep and Dreams Prepare You for Death [14]
In this webinar, Andrew will introduce you to how how sleep and dreams prepare you for death. This is Bardo Yoga, which transcends but includes lucid dreaming, dream yoga, and even sleep yoga.

Practices and Teachings to Prepare You for Death
If you sincerely practice the teachings of hearing, contemplating and meditating, these teachings will lodge in your sub-conscious body-mind matrix and they will arise when you need them the most. They will come to bear when everything else falls apart. Their benefits lodge in your formless mind and this is what you can take with you when you die.