Book Study Group
Every other Thursday at 8:00 PM EDT (5:00 PM PDT)Every Other Week Book Study Group
As before, we’re going to take our time, allowing lots of space for discussion and exploration. This is a chance to really soak in all the teachings that surround Dream Yoga.
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These gatherings will take place every other week and are free to Premium members of Night Club.
We found our first book study group to be vibrant and interactive. The idea is to read the book together, with spontaneous commentary as we go along. When we finish reading this book, we’ll get started on the next one!
There will be plenty of time for Q and A at the end, and you can always submit your questions in advance to me.
From my end, I can’t wait to go through the book with my friends, and hear what you have to say about it.
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All Sessions are Recorded, So Join Anytime
Current Book: Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition
Death is one of the most precious experiences in life, literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Yet after many years of teaching on death and dying, I am surprised that even for spiritual practitioners death remains a dreaded event. We dread it because we don’t know about it. We don’t look forward to death because we don’t know what to look forward to.
I wrote this book to help you prepare – to illuminate the darkness of death and to give you something to look forward to. My vision was to provide a comprehensive reference manual, an encyclopedia of death. Preparing to Die is divided into two principal parts, on spiritual and practical preparation. Each of these is further divided into what to do before, during, and after death — both for yourself and for others. This provides a framework that is easily referenced during any stage of the dying process.
While Preparing to Die is directed to students of Tibetan Buddhism, it can benefit anyone interested in penetrating the mysteries of death from the Buddhist perspective. My aspiration is to take much of the mystery out of death—and therefore most of the misery— by addressing it in the most comprehensive way.
Book Study Group access included with Premium plan
All sessions are recorded, archived and made accessible for on-demand replay.
So you will receive access to recordings of previous Book Study Sessions including Andrew on his books: Dreams of Light and Dream Yoga; Joe Parent on his book A Walk in the Wood; and Ryan Hurd on his book Lucid Talisman
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