Transcript → Meditation Group [ 108 ] – with Joe Parent
After introducing the sequence of practices and describing the reasons we use the breath as reference point for much of our practice, we began, starting with posture and body awareness, fully inhabiting our body, synchronizing body and mind in the present moment. We did a body scan to clear tension, and settled the mind in the core of our being. We worked with the internal sensation of the breath as the basis of mindfulness. Next we transitioned into less centralized awareness, going out with the breath to mix mind and space, feeling we are going out, opening, and resting in spaciousness. Then we imagine awareness as vast as the universe. Alternating on the breath, we imagined that we could radiate happiness to others and ourselves, and absorb our own and others suffering, from our unlimited tender heart of compassion, through the stages of loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. We concluded the practice portion by dedicating the benefit of the session to all beings, then had some discussion about confidence and acceptance.