Ask The Sleep Doctor
Talk to a Sleep SpecialistSecond Tuesday of Every Month at 7:00 PM ET (4:00 PM PT)
On the second Tuesday of every month, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time, Dr. O’Malley will be offering brief comments about the science and medicine of sleep, but the bulk of each session will be your ability to talk to a sleep specialist. Good sleep is so important for overall health, and for success in the nocturnal meditations. If you don’t sleep well, you won’t dream well. Dr. Andrew (who is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine) will be joining Ed, but the bulk of these gatherings will be with Dr. O’Malley.
From Dr. O’Malley: The Ask the Sleep Doctor sessions are a very special time for both myself and participants. Generally, we discuss sleep from the perspective of participants’ desire for information, or are struggling with some aspect of sleep and need to delve deeper into their particular issues. While no medical disorders are diagnosed or treatment recommendations provided, we do discuss ways to approach the issues at hand. No question is off limits, though with pre-submitted questions I take the time to dig into current sleep medicine clinical science, research and knowledge base to offer powerpoint presentations covering the specific questions raised. We also open the floor for live participant questions that may arise from the presentation or ongoing discussion.
We have covered just about every sleep medicine topic from the field of sleep disorders including Insomnia Disorders, Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders, Hypersomnolence, Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders, Parasomnias and Sleep-Related Movement Disorders. Additionally we have looked into the underlying science of many sleep related topics such as Lucid Dreaming, hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations, liminal dreaming, meditation effects on sleep, foods that support sleep, sleep trackers and how they compare, sleep brain waves, heartmath/heart rate variability and sleep, hypnosis and states of consciousness among others. Finally, I have provided the current science-based information available on the most promising sleep supportive behaviors, how to implement these in our busy lives, and what benefits we may all obtain in our efforts toward optimal health and well-being. We all learn something every session and we are definitely the wiser for it!
Meet Dr. Ed O’Malley:
Dr. Ed O’Malley is an integrative sleep specialist trained at Cornell University Grad School of Medical Sciences and NYU Sleep Disorders Center in NYC. He ran the Norwalk Hospital Sleep Disorders Center (teaching hospital of Yale) for 12 years, training resident physicians in sleep medicine and creating the first Insomnia Center in the region. He holds Advanced Certification in Bio- and Neurofeedback, and Nature Awareness Training. Ed also is an ordained Interspiritual minister and Co-Facilitator of the Interspiritual Companioning & Counseling Certificate program at One Spirit Learning Alliance in NYC.
His dream and sleep yoga studies, particularly with Andrew and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s Bon Buddhism, continues to expand an ever-widening container for his professional work. Dr. O’Malley takes a broad approach to sleep and wellness, moving easily between the technological, spiritual and natural worlds. Utilizing the power of biofeedback and neurofeedback while cultivating a deep connection to the spiritual and natural worlds he seamlessly integrates all. In today’s world that seems to move faster and faster, consuming all but the briefest moments of free time, Ed guides clients to slow down, becoming mindful of what really matters.
Upcoming Schedule
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Time: 2nd Tuesday of Every Month @ 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Recorded Sessions
SoundCloud Playlist
Ask The Sleep Doctor
Questions Form
Submit Questions in Advance
Questions will be submitted to sleep doctor Ed O’Malley to be answered at the next live session.
Session Disclaimer and Agreement
By participating in this session with Ed O’Malley, you agree and understand that each session is an educational and informational experience designed to help you, and that results will vary from person to person. If you are dealing with a serious sleep issue you may be better served by a sleep doctor in your area who can meet with you in person. You further understand and agree that no medical diagnosis or treatment is implied in these sessions. You agree to take full responsibility for your health and well-being and understand that these sessions are not intended to replace medical or professional advice or treatment. You acknowledge that sessions with Ed are not a substitute for traditional medical care and that it is your responsibility to make decisions as to if and when such care is needed for mental or physical conditions. You agree there shall be no liability on the part of Ed, Andrew, or Night Club should you fail to do so.